
meet the environment agents

environment agency – abu dhabi team . 2018

environment agency – abu dhabi team . 2018

environment agency – abu dhabi team . 2018

here are a series of illustrations i worked on last year for the environment agency – abu dhabi. the lovely team at capsule arts included me as one of the selected artists to work on a series of illustrations to be displayed in the agency's newly renovated interiors.
i worked on a series of illustrations commemorating the various team members at the environment agency and their activities. the final product was a series of six illustrations, framed and installed by the organisation's staff room. i wish i had a photograph of the final illustrations on display, but unfortunately I was unable to retrieve any. 
so for this post, i'm sharing my three favourite illustrations from the final six. if you're an environment agency staff member, or have the opportunity to visit their offices, you'll get to see the complete series in all its glory.